Monday, October 26, 2009

Blog #9 Women and the Work force

People are pretty split on how they feel about Belkin's essay. The sides to the arguement is whether moms should work when they have kids or have no job and stay at home with their children. Those who choose not to work are simply opting out. They want to stay at home to experience every little detail of their childs life and not put them in the hands of other people to take care of while they are working.
I personally think that women should definetly work. Even if it is just a part time job. It is hard to get back into the work force once one has decided to get out of it. Staying at home puts stress on a person. Me personally, I would go insane with boredom and get tired of looking at all the things in my house. And I do not like to cook and clean that much. If I stayed at home then my husband would probably expect me to cook everynight because he worked all day. I do not want that for me. I want it to be 50/50 and both of us contribute to chores in the house and raising our child. And if divorce happens then the woman is left to fend for herself. She becomes very vunerable. Women in our history worked very hard to earn rights for us. By staying at home to become the traditional house wife make me think that we are saying that how women were treated back in day was ok.

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